Feel the Fear… and Get a New Smile Anyway!

Okay, okay… We know dentists (quite unfairly we think) aren’t for their cuddly reputations but honestly, if you’re nervous about orthodontic treatment, there’s no need. Forget about the terrifying dentist stereotypes in films and TV and let us debunk a few common orthodontic fears so you can get on your journey to a new smile.

Jul 31, 2024

Feel the Fear… and Get a New Smile Anyway!

Fear 1

Having braces fitted might hurt

Generally speaking, having braces or retainers fitted really doesn’t hurt. It can be a little uncomfortable, having your mouth fiddled about with, but it shouldn’t hurt at all. With braces, the brackets are simply glued onto each tooth, and then the wire is attached and adjusted to fit. With retainers such as Invisalign, you sink your teeth into a squishy mould, which is then used to make a model of your teeth from which to create the retainers. They then just slide onto your teeth. Ta da! Not a drill or needle in sight! Get your orthodontist to go through exactly what will happen with you though so you know what to expect and are reassured that it shouldn’t be painful in any way.


Fear 2

I get really stressed in advance about the thought of going to the orthodontist

Let’s face it, no one goes to the orthodontist for a relaxing day out, do they? So firstly, know that you’re not alone in feeling like this. However, there’s plenty you can do to help yourself feel calmer about it all. 

  • Book your appointment for the morning so that you don’t spend all day stressing. 

  • Take someone with you to take your mind off it in the waiting room.

  • Tell your orthodontist how you feel so they’re aware and can reassure you. 

  • Do some research beforehand so you know exactly what to expect.

  • Book something nice to do afterwards (maybe not visiting a toffee factory or a four-course lunch - we’re thinking more the cinema or a swim) so you have something to look forward to.


Fear 3

I might panic in the dentist’s chair and look silly

It’s worth remembering that your orthodontist is quite used to people feeling a bit panicky and no matter what you do, no one will judge you or think you’re being silly. But try some of these tricks and tips which can stop that feeling of panic rising.

  • Bring earphones so you can listen to a podcast or some relaxing music while your treatment is done to help take your mind off it.

  • Try natural remedies such as Bach Rescue Remedy beforehand. They’re available in most pharmacies (and are a better idea than Dutch courage, which doesn’t always end well). Or you could simply put a few drops of lavender oil on a hankie to take a sniff of when you’re feeling stressed.

  • Practise calming techniques beforehand such as grounding techniques or focussing on your five senses, so you’re able to use them without thinking about it too hard when you’re actually in the chair, 


Fear 4 

I’m scared of having injections

You wouldn’t expect to have to have any injections when having braces or aligners fitted but if injections are part of another treatment you’re having, it’s worth telling your orthodontist how you feel about it. There may be ways to work around an injection, but if not, they can definitely help make it easier for you. There are gels that can be used to numb the gums so you don’t feel so much of the needle. They can also make sure that you don’t see the needle if the sight of it is what makes you feel worried. 


Fear 5

I’ll ‘get in trouble’ for not having been to the dentist’s for ages

No you won’t! You’re not in school now. No one <has> to go to the dentist ever! You’d just be a bit daft not to. If you haven’t been the model dental patient until now, don’t worry about it. Your dentist will just be glad to see you and your orthodontist is going to rat on you to the hygienist. We do prefer the patients who <don’t> turn up with spinach between their teeth, it must be said, but we’d never let them know that. 


Fear 6

This is going to cost me a fortune

Some orthodontic work can be covered on the NHS but if yours isn’t, don’t panic. Here at Queensway we think orthodontics should be accessible to everyone so we offer repayment plans for everyone’s various needs and budgets.
